Author Archives: chris92

A Growing Problem with No Clear Solution

Addiction is a condition that affects many people around the world. It can manifest in both physical and psychological forms. These addictive tendencies can have serious negative consequences on individuals, their families, and the communities they live in. Addiction can occur with many different behaviors, behaviors that are initially found to be pleasurable such as substance use, gambling, sex, internet use, or even overeating. However, as time progresses, the individual will find themselves stuck in a cycle of continued use of the behavior despite knowing the harm that is being caused.

People are often exposed to risk factors for addiction as children, making them more susceptible as adults. Risk factors such as family dynamics which could involve a parent with addiction problems, poverty, mental health problems, or a traumatic event such as abuse or witnessing violence can increase the likelihood of someone developing an addiction. Unfortunately, these risk factors are often overlooked or ignored, leading to problems with substance use beginning at a young age.

Unfortunately, many individuals lack access to professional help for their condition. This is due to the negative stigma often associated with addiction, as well as its financial cost. Despite the fact that addiction can often be treated with therapy, it is often seen as an ‘uncontrolled’ behavior, leading to ignorance, denial, and shame amongst those suffering. This further perpetuates the problem, making it increasingly more difficult for individuals to get the help they need.

What’s more, there is a lack of understanding when it comes to the complexities of addiction. While the cause of many addictions is rooted in physical dependence, it is important to remember that the psychological aspects of addiction are often just as powerful. This means that addiction is not an issue that can be solved simply through medical interventions or a ‘quick fix’. Rather, it is essential to address the underlying issues that have led to the individual’s addictive tendency.

The reality is that addiction is a complex issue with no easy solution. Nevertheless, it is important to have a better understanding of the condition, including its risk factors. It is also important to create better access to treatment options, so that individuals can get the support they need to overcome the problem before it spirals out of control. With a greater awareness and better access to necessary support, we can hope to make a difference in the lives of those struggling with addiction.

Understanding the Signs and Symptoms

Addiction is a serious condition that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Those who have an addictive tendency are often unable to control their behavior and may continue to do something even when it is causing harm to themselves or others. There are certain behaviors that may indicate someone has an addictive tendency, such as engaging in risk-taking behavior, avoiding responsibility, and needing greater levels of stimulation to feel satisfied.

It is important to understand what an addiction looks like and to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms. While there are many types of addictions, some common characteristics include the inability to control one’s behavior, preoccupation with the affected behavior, and withdrawal when not engaging in it. This type of addictive tendency should not be confused with habitual behavior which is often considered normal.

Signs and symptoms that someone may have an addictive tendency can be difficult to spot, but there are certain behaviors that can be warning signs. These behaviors include an inability to handle stress, engaging in risk-taking activities, a need for more stimulation or risk to find enjoyment, and feelings of guilt or shame after engaging in the behavior. Those with an addictive tendency may also feel as though they are not able to quit despite wanting to, struggle with feelings of anxiety or low self-esteem, and have an urge to lie or manipulate others.

The type of behavior that can lead to addiction varies. Substance abuse and gambling are common types but there are also behavioral addictions like sex, food, video games, or spending. Many people might fail to recognize their addictive behavior because it may not include a substance or have any visible signs.

When someone is dealing with an addiction it can also have an impact on the people surrounding them. Those who have an addictive tendency may try to cover up their problem by making promises or lying, or find themselves in bad situations due to their behavior. They may also display mood swings, have financial difficulties, or suffer from health issues related to their addiction.

It is also important to remember that addictions are treatable. There are a variety of methods for addressing addictive tendencies and many resources available. Those who think they may have an addiction should reach out for professional help, such as a mental health counselor, doctor, or spiritual guide. Treatment typically involves making lifestyle and behavioral changes as well as finding ways to cope with triggers in healthy ways.

Overall, those who have an addictive tendency should be aware of the signs and symptoms so they can get the help they need. Recognizing the issue is the first step, and addressing it sooner rather than later can help ensure a healthier and happier future.

People in Positions of Power are More Likely to Have Addictive Tendencies

People in positions of power often experience a variety of pressures that can lead to a variety of issues. One of the issues that can arise due to these pressures is addictive tendencies. It is no surprise, then, that people in positions of influence — from business executives to politicians — are more likely to become addicted to substances or activities like gambling, shopping, and sex. In this article, we will delve further into why people in positions of power are more likely to have addictive tendencies, as well as how they can manage these tendencies and get help when needed.

For starters, people in positions of power tend to have higher stress levels than those without. In addition to the usual stressors of life, those in positions of authority are often expected to take on additional responsibilities, such as making important decisions or handling interpersonal issues. What’s more, those in power are often faced with hefty amounts of responsibility, with the potential for huge negative consequences if a wrong choice is made. When combined with often-constant pressure to stay at the top, it’s easy to see why those in power may become overwhelmed and become prone to addiction.

In addition, those in positions of power are often placed under far more public scrutiny than those who are less influential. This means that they are under near-constant scrutiny from the public and media, leaving them feeling as if the only way to cope is to seek out and indulge in an addictive behavior. Furthermore, those in power are often highly competitive and ambition-driven. This intense drive to achieve success can meaningfully contribute to excessive risk-taking, which can lead to substance abuse and other questionable activities.

Finally, those in positions of power are also more likely to succumb to loneliness and isolation. Oftentimes, those in power are so concerned with maintaining their reputation, status and image that they feel they can’t confide in anyone, leading them to become overly reliant on self-destructive behavior. Alternatively, those in power may turn to substance use as a way to temporarily “escape” the harsh demands of their position.

It is important to note, however, that those in positions of power don’t necessarily have to be doomed to a life of addiction and risky behaviors. With awareness, prevention and quick action, help can be sought out and addiction can be prevented before it has an opportunity to disrupt one’s life and career. Those in power should be encouraged to have frequent conversations about warning signs and stress relief strategies with trusted confidants, as well as seek professional help when necessary.

By acknowledging the unique pressures that go along with having power and influence, and finding better ways to navigate these pressures, one can both prevent and manage addiction. In short, having power and influence does not necessarily mean having to succumb to addiction — with proper awareness and education, these issues can be managed or prevented.

What Causes People to Become Addicts?

The complexities of addiction can often feel overwhelming. Many people are confused by the range of possible causes for addictive tendencies. Without understanding the origins of addiction, it is difficult to effectively treat and prevent this condition. In this article, we will explore the various factors that can lead to addictive tendencies.

One of the key factors in addiction is the biological makeup of an individual. There are certain genetic markers that can be inherited and can predispose an individual to addiction. Similarly, underlying medical conditions, such as depression or anxiety, can also increase an individual’s risk of addiction. Furthermore, the brain chemistry of an individual can have an effect on their propensity to become an addict. Neurotransmitter levels can impact the body’s reaction to certain drugs and alcohol, which can lead to an unpredictable level of addiction.

Another one of the major causes of addiction is the environment an individual lives in. External factors such as drugs readily available in the area or negative social influences can greatly increase the chances of a person becoming an addict. Exposure to drugs or alcohol at a young age can also make it more likely that someone will develop a dependency on these substances.

It is important to recognize that addiction is a complex illness, and for most people multiple factors can contribute to it. For instance, individuals may enter into addiction due to trauma or crisis in their lives. Those with a history of trauma can be more susceptible to developing an addiction. Similarly, people who have gone through difficult life events, such as the loss of a loved one or financial hardships, are at an increased risk of developing addictive tendencies.

In addition to the biological, environmental, and psychological components of addiction, there are social ones as well. We cannot forget about the influence of peers, family, and society in general. Addiction can be the result of a combination of external pressure and personal choices, and the individual’s relationships with those around them can heavily affect the level of addictive tendencies.

The causes of addiction are numerous, but all individuals may be subject to these factors. Educating yourself and recognizing the risk factors for addiction are important steps in preventing and recognizing the development of addiction. Additionally, proper treatment plans are essential in helping individuals to overcome their addictions.

In conclusion, addiction is a complex disorder that is not caused by a single factor. Multiple components, such as biology, psychology, and environment, can increase someone’s risk of developing addictive tendencies. Those who are aware of the potential risk factors can better prepare themselves to recognize addiction in their own lives or the life of a loved one. Treatment plans are in place to help those suffering from addiction, but understanding the various causes of addiction can help with both prevention and treatment.

The Stress of Keeping Up Appearances

elected official imageOne of an elected officials primary focuses is keeping up appearances. Half of their job is maintaining an image that the public finds pleasing. They shake hands, kiss babies, make appearances at events and do a lot of smiling, and it is indeed appealing. But what the public does not see is that this routine of keeping up appearances can cause stress. This is not because public officials are secretly bad people. It is because they are normal people who have flaws and can become exhausted with always trying to cover them up.

All elected officials are acutely conscious of their public image. Every time they do something and any member of the public is around to see it, they have to think about how what they are doing would be represented to their voting public. Even the most moral of people can fall into bad circumstances in this role, even if it is merely due to an event being misinterpreted and misrepresented. This leads an elected official to scrutinizing their own behavior constantly.

Even to the sturdiest politician, this constant dance with public image can become stressful. Anything about them that can end up in the media has the potential to be twisted and misconstrued, and it can lead to a state of paranoia for the politician. The natural human response to this is to express some of their stress, but with cameras and news people constantly prying, releasing stress can be impossible at times.

The unfortunate thing about this predicament is that it often leads to a purging or binging of bad behavior on the elected official’s part. It is frequently the case that one can only keep their imperfections bottled in for so long before they come out with a vengeance. This is why we so frequently see politicians acting out with incredibly bad behavior, and we think to ourselves that if anyone should know better, it is them. But before you judge a politician, consider the expectations on their shoulders and ask yourself if the politicians you see in the media making mistakes are unhealthy or just human.

Mental Health Expectations of People in Leadership

mental healthOne of our unspoken but always present criteria for an elected official is good mental health. This is criteria we expect of any working professional, but perhaps none more so than those we elect to public office. Elected officials are responsible in many ways for the well being and quality of life of the people in their jurisdiction. People elect public officials trusting that they will represent their interests in an intelligent, sound way. Voters would recoil from a candidate who demonstrated mental health problems.

This is a fair requirement. An elected official who is not mentally healthy would not be capable of making sound decisions that represent the public’s best interest. Anyone who is mentally unhealthy struggles to make good decisions. Being mentally unhealthy means that you do not perceive things correctly. You interpret things in an unrealistic way that is not based in reality but is based in your own unhealthy thought patterns. It is not too much to require that our elected leaders have good mental health for sound decision making.

Having said this, we also need to remember to be reasonable in what we expect from elected leaders. Some people forget that elected officials are still human and hold them to a standard of perfection that is unattainable for anyone. This is not a healthy or reasonable standard to place on a person.

It is important that we define a fair standard of mental health for our public officials. We cannot elect people who are unstable or in danger of poor decision making. Yet we also cannot expect sheer perfection from our elected leaders. We must find a reasonable compromise. It is true that an elected official should have a very strong history of mental health and should be held accountable for evidence that suggests otherwise. But an elected official also deserves privacy and should not have every element of their personal lives scrutinized. There is a point where defining mental health standards becomes very subjective and is unreasonable to apply to an elected official of any kind.

Addiction Treatment Options for Public Officials

government officials addiction treatmentPublic officials and elected government leaders face a particular set of challenges when they undergo rehabilitation for addiction. As most severe addictions require residential inpatient treatment, government officials end up more separated from their civil duties and their lifestyles than usual. This is where the concept of executive drug and alcohol rehabilitation comes in useful. Executive addiction treatment centers are created with working professionals, such as elected officials, in mind, and accomodate their need to stay connected to their pubic office and their lifestyle while still focusing daily on sobriety.

Public officials prefer the option of executive rehab because it allows them to keep their public office functioning while they receive extensive mental and medical treatment. Executive drug and alcohol treatment programs often boast a high class environment to keep with the client’s usual surroundings, the most current treatment methods and highly trained staff available and a familiarity with the needs and pressures on successful elected officials, particularly those who have remained functional and successful despite their addiction problems.

At private drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, public officials can expect to find business center type accommodations, such as internet, phones and fax machines in order to remain active in their line of work. Professional rehabs will also frequently adjust the schedule of their programs to accommodate business trips and meetings that the client needs to attend. This, accompanied by a thorough detoxification, a modern treatment program, individual and group counselling sessions, and continuing support services is what ensures the success of the executive rehabilitation program.

For elected government officials who require a rehabilitation center that keeps their jurisdiction’s success in mind, executive rehab is the treatment that will suit them best. There is no need to face the pain of addiction alone, and no need to endure treatment that is not compatible with your lifestyle.


Public Opinion of Addicted Officials

public opinion addicted leadersThe public’s opinion of elected government leaders who struggle with addiction is similar to their opinion of anyone who struggles with addiction, but more heightened. Unlike other members of the community, elected officials are responsible for the well-being of the voting public they represent and are therefore held to a higher level of accountability when it comes to sobriety, clear-headedness and good decision making. Many consider addiction to be a character flaw that is unforgiveable of a public official.

The concerns that are raised about an elected official who struggles with addiction are numerous. Elected officials are role models for young people and those aspiring to be in public office, and when their addiction is known to the public, it sends a message that being addicted is acceptable behavior. Frequently, addicted public officials will do anything to keep their addiction a secret and become very dishonest, even to the point of leading a double life. Addiction also promotes distraction and an inability to prioritize, which are associated with bad leadership. Logistically speaking, if an elected official is addicted to something illegal, it means they are connected to criminal activity, which is very counterproductive to good political motives.

Removing addicted elected officials from public office is certainly the most extreme way of keeping addiction out of public office, but there is debate over whether or not it is the most effective way. The public must consider that addiction is classified as a disease, and diseases are eradicated through treatment, not punishment. Though keeping an elected official in office can certainly be considered a risk, consider the success that other professions have seen when the addicted professional receives treatment while keeping their position. For example, in the case of addiction problems in the oil industry, oil companies are choosing to rehabilitate hard-working, talented employees rather than just firing them to minimize losses.


Why Public Officials are Prone to Addiction

addicted government leadersThere are many factors that contribute to addictive behavior, ranging from genetics to psychology to environment. It has been noted that high profile individuals, such as government officials, are more prone to addictive behavior than other groups of people. This is due to the stresses of high profile positions and the neurological make-up of bold, successful people.

The performance pressure put on high profile individuals can be astronomical. The higher the position is, the heavier the weight on the individual’s shoulders can be. Certain personality types are better equipped to deal with stress than others, but many working professionals reach their limit with stress and do not know how to cope past a certain point. This is often when individuals turn to drugs or alcohol to alleviate stress. Substance abuse as a maladaptive coping mechanism is very common through out all types of addiction, but hits this particular group of people very hard. When the substance abuse turns to dependency, the addict can seldom find their way out of addiction without professional intervention.

When approaching addiction as a neurological disease, we find that the brain actually rewires itself to initially enjoy a substance and eventually depend on the substance when it is overused. Neuroscientists have discovered a link between risk taking personalities and addictive behavior, proving that certain chemical make-ups are more prone to the neurological disease of addiction. High profile persons fall into the category of risk takers, which can be observed in the choices they make that keep them in a position of power. Dopamine is the brain chemical associated with pleasure, and risk taking persons have largely been found to have inhibited dopamine production in their brains, causing them to seek more extreme pleasures and stimulations, such as risky financial ventures or experimentation with substances. This does not change the fact that substance addiction is agreeably the unhealthy expression of this neurological quality.


Addiction in Public Officials

addicted public officialsPeople don’t often associate public office with addiction, but it happens more often than the public realizes. With the widespread media attention that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has received, the voting public is becoming more aware that past and present government leaders are just as capable of misusing substances as anyone else.

The fact of the matter is, elected officials are simply people, and people of all demographics struggle with addiction. In fact, studies have shown that people in positions of power can be even more prone to addiction than other groups of people.

This is not necessarily a recent phenomenon. Political figures such as former Washington D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, who was charged with cocaine and marijuana possession in the early 1990’s, have been making headlines for decades. It is suspected that similar stories could have been found through out history and are only falling under scrutiny now that we have a global media.

Often, a person will have addictive tendencies before they enter public office, and may have even struggled with addiction privately in the past. But serving as a government leader can be stressful and taxing, which are the circumstances that spawn addiction binges, and suddenly their problem is the business of their entire populous.

Regardless of whether or not a person who struggles with addiction should remain in public office, it is certain that they should have access to high quality addiction treatment in order to regain their lives.