Public Opinion of Addicted Officials

public opinion addicted leadersThe public’s opinion of elected government leaders who struggle with addiction is similar to their opinion of anyone who struggles with addiction, but more heightened. Unlike other members of the community, elected officials are responsible for the well-being of the voting public they represent and are therefore held to a higher level of accountability when it comes to sobriety, clear-headedness and good decision making. Many consider addiction to be a character flaw that is unforgiveable of a public official.

The concerns that are raised about an elected official who struggles with addiction are numerous. Elected officials are role models for young people and those aspiring to be in public office, and when their addiction is known to the public, it sends a message that being addicted is acceptable behavior. Frequently, addicted public officials will do anything to keep their addiction a secret and become very dishonest, even to the point of leading a double life. Addiction also promotes distraction and an inability to prioritize, which are associated with bad leadership. Logistically speaking, if an elected official is addicted to something illegal, it means they are connected to criminal activity, which is very counterproductive to good political motives.

Removing addicted elected officials from public office is certainly the most extreme way of keeping addiction out of public office, but there is debate over whether or not it is the most effective way. The public must consider that addiction is classified as a disease, and diseases are eradicated through treatment, not punishment. Though keeping an elected official in office can certainly be considered a risk, consider the success that other professions have seen when the addicted professional receives treatment while keeping their position. For example, in the case of addiction problems in the oil industry, oil companies are choosing to rehabilitate hard-working, talented employees rather than just firing them to minimize losses.


Why Public Officials are Prone to Addiction

addicted government leadersThere are many factors that contribute to addictive behavior, ranging from genetics to psychology to environment. It has been noted that high profile individuals, such as government officials, are more prone to addictive behavior than other groups of people. This is due to the stresses of high profile positions and the neurological make-up of bold, successful people.

The performance pressure put on high profile individuals can be astronomical. The higher the position is, the heavier the weight on the individual’s shoulders can be. Certain personality types are better equipped to deal with stress than others, but many working professionals reach their limit with stress and do not know how to cope past a certain point. This is often when individuals turn to drugs or alcohol to alleviate stress. Substance abuse as a maladaptive coping mechanism is very common through out all types of addiction, but hits this particular group of people very hard. When the substance abuse turns to dependency, the addict can seldom find their way out of addiction without professional intervention.

When approaching addiction as a neurological disease, we find that the brain actually rewires itself to initially enjoy a substance and eventually depend on the substance when it is overused. Neuroscientists have discovered a link between risk taking personalities and addictive behavior, proving that certain chemical make-ups are more prone to the neurological disease of addiction. High profile persons fall into the category of risk takers, which can be observed in the choices they make that keep them in a position of power. Dopamine is the brain chemical associated with pleasure, and risk taking persons have largely been found to have inhibited dopamine production in their brains, causing them to seek more extreme pleasures and stimulations, such as risky financial ventures or experimentation with substances. This does not change the fact that substance addiction is agreeably the unhealthy expression of this neurological quality.


Addiction in Public Officials

addicted public officialsPeople don’t often associate public office with addiction, but it happens more often than the public realizes. With the widespread media attention that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has received, the voting public is becoming more aware that past and present government leaders are just as capable of misusing substances as anyone else.

The fact of the matter is, elected officials are simply people, and people of all demographics struggle with addiction. In fact, studies have shown that people in positions of power can be even more prone to addiction than other groups of people.

This is not necessarily a recent phenomenon. Political figures such as former Washington D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, who was charged with cocaine and marijuana possession in the early 1990’s, have been making headlines for decades. It is suspected that similar stories could have been found through out history and are only falling under scrutiny now that we have a global media.

Often, a person will have addictive tendencies before they enter public office, and may have even struggled with addiction privately in the past. But serving as a government leader can be stressful and taxing, which are the circumstances that spawn addiction binges, and suddenly their problem is the business of their entire populous.

Regardless of whether or not a person who struggles with addiction should remain in public office, it is certain that they should have access to high quality addiction treatment in order to regain their lives.